so my last post was when we were still in San Francisco, right now we're somewhere near Salt Lake City so kind of a lot has happened since then.
so i slept in the van after we got pizza and i drank 3 of the 6 beers that mercedes (and EJ) picked up for me. the others disappeared but hey i guess it happens. but the Hanks was a good sleep so that was cool.
so, the next day we realized that we could jump on the bill at another San Francisco venue, "The Edinburgh Castle". but until then, we spent most of the day gathering supplies including some orange juice from Trader joes. i got to deposite the remaining gas money i owed so that i could be debt-free
we got really lost for a while and made it back to bonnie and michelles with barely an hour before we had to arrive at the castle. so we gathered all our stuff because at that point we had decided to start driving to eugene right after the show. so we scrambled to get everything packed up in the hanker.
we had to get gas too on the way, so we were rushing but we made it okay. the castle was pretty cool except that it was in a very shitty area and i was asked about 13 times for money within the first hour we were there.
and it's not only being asked, they also try to give you some speil and put on this performance to make you like them, (or hate them) so you will be more likely to give them something. well that might work when the people you bother actually have money but me i don't so i was getting pretty frustrated with all that nonsense.
so we got to the show on time but the other bands were already setting up so we figured out that we weren't playing first anymore but whatefver, we were the last band to jump on the show so we had to be considerate.
we got to check out the other bands, which was definitely enjoyable, especially chairlift from nyc. we performed in dresses again which worked out i guess, it was pretty fun and we got some good crowd feedback.
i grabbed a slice of pizza after we packed up and drove us back to bonnie&michelle's where we decided that we would stay onemore night because it was late and we didn't have any idea where we could rest.
i slept in the van again because it worked out well for me the night before. that way i was all ready to go and didn't need to pack anything up. we all took shifts driving the 8 hour journey. the best part was when we were on the 5 going through the Mount Shasta and lake shasta area i got some good pictures.
then we stopped in the town of Mount shasta for gas and lunch and as soon as we pulled into the gas station some stupid lady said that we had to move our van because she couldn't move her racecar trailer if we were getting gas and we were ignorant for not realizing this, so jake allotted her the name "Mount Shasta bitch" because that's really what she was.
we had to stop for gas again at some old fashioned place in the middle of nowhere, oregon but it was actually a great spot because there was this river right near by and me and beans jumped in because the drive was so intensely hot.
we finally made it up to PJ's house in eugene before it got dark. it was a nice place with a pool in the backyard and a liquor cabinet that we estimated to be worth around $5,000+ we played some beer pong and i passed out because of the long hot day.
woke up to the sound of EJ and ryan laughing quietly and realizing that they were up to something and thought i was about to be the victim of some practical joke. but it was curly instead and i just remember hearing a loud snapping sound and then curly yelling "you guys are Fucking dickheads, you know that?" then ryan said sorry and curly responded with "no you're not. you're not fucking sorry" i didn't really know what was going on so i just stayed asleep but it all made sense when i watched the video footage.
so we did some food shopping to save money on staying alive and headed up to portland for the show.
it was amazing when we crossed over the bridge to the industrial sector we got a great view of the city and i took some awesome pictures.
finding the rotor was pretty difficult only because the road was closed but we eventually found our way around after EJ asked some guy at a factory
we hung out outside and got to meet 'lasers all the time' 'bumtech' and 'dopeness' before someone came to open up the club.
we almost got screwed again with our show time because bumtech wanted to jump ahead and push us, the touring band, to the last slot and on a wednesday night that wouldn't have been too good for our audience so curly whipped out the DA BEARS TOUR BOOK and showed it to the sound guy and said that Noah, who booked the show, set up the show with this specific line-up and that was enough to keep us on the 3rd slot.
the stage was much larger than i expected and we got to spread out and have fun while we played. there was a small crowd but there were a few people dancing which totally enhanced the mood. we weren't able to get paid but the bartender laid out a free round of shots because he felt bad.
Lee from lasers was nice enough to offer us a spot to crash in his backyard. EJ curly ryan and i set up the tent and i claimed a cot and actually slept very well.
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