there were all these people on rafts floating by and we asked some of them what river we were swimming in. they said the colorado.
so we stopped by geno's liquor store across the way fromthe gas station we were stopped at cause we saw a sign advertising 12-pack bud light for 19 something so i was about to go tell the owner that something was terribly wrong with that overcharging. but the sign was misleading - what it was really advertising was two 12 packs so i let it slide. they had single 16-oz cans for a little over a dollar so me and binns and ryan too i think bought one each and chugged him. we also met some guy that was travelling from denver to arizona or something and it was his birthday the next day so he bought a cd.
we got back on the road and after stopping by burger king made it to the airport to pick up garrett. we struggled with a plan for a while because our original idea of staying at garrett's grandmothers fell through. so the crew picked up some beers and we headed to the strip where we saw a bunch of really cheap motels.
it didn't take us long to find the la vista motel, advertising rooms for 39.99 and with half the letters on the sign with burnt out bulbs, it seemed the perfect place. so we moved all our stuff in one at a time to make sure that the lady at the desk didn't see. i had a bottle of wine saved up since eugene that i decided to pop open.
it was cool to get the whole band together finally since i'd only met garrett for a matter minutes before. at one point a few of us stepped out on the balcony and in a matter of minutes some asian guy came up to us asking if we were staying there and we said we were just hanging out to make sure we didnt have to pay any extra. he said there was no "hangingout" allowed and that we had to leave because there are drug dealers and prostitutes everywhere and that the cops will be bugging the motel if they saw us standing there.
pretty shitty but we walked away and i eventually made my way back to the room and somehow scored a bed. it was a good sleep but i got woken up by a knock at the door around 9. i was startled for aminute then realized it was probably ej or garrett wanting ot take a shower so i just kinda sat there. chelsea made it over to the door and sure enought it was that asian guy again asking if we needed towels chelsea said no then he asked how many people were in the room and if he could come in and look and tried to force his way in chelsea fought him off and eventually closed the door on him.
what an ass. that's TRASH. we paid for that room so leave us the fuck alone. if we wanna sleep uncomfrotably in there then that's our choice. anyway. i got a nice shower and got some chicken for breakfast and was ready to go for whatever the day was to bring us. we headed to the supermarket to get some foods and then started driving around hoping to find something to do with the day since we hadn't a show.
we eventually drove towards the tall buildings long enough to make it to the chinatown area and found a spot worthy of the hanker. a few of us took the free bus down to the north platte river cause it was hot and disgusting. i was about to jump in but i stepped on a small piece of glass in a shallow spot and because my foot was wet it became covered in red pretty quickly but it didn't really hurt too bad, i took the glass out and finally jumped in. it smelled weird but it was cold so it was nice.
then we got some food at a new york style sandwhich/breakfast place and i finally was able to get a bacon egg & chee on a bagel for the first time all tour. better yet it was a special so i saved some money. then me and curly stopped by a bar around the corner to try some local beer. it was okay. we found that 16th street had free wireless internet up the whole street so we checked some internet stuff.
then ej got a call from one of the guys from the rhinoceropolis which is the diy space that i had tried to get us a show at unsuccessfully. apparently one of the guys from the ss marie antoinette was impressed enough with our show to pull some strings and get the guys at the rhino to add us to the show they already had scheduled for the night. awesome!
so we got some directions and had to stop by garrett's grandmothers real quick which actually worked out quite well because as soon as we arrived his aunt was standing in the drive way with 3 pizzas. we ate them and worked on a jigsaw for a little then headed up to the rhino
we brought all our gear in then a few of us went up to find some beverage accompaniment for the night. ej and i bought a case of pbr for a prety good deal and on the way back to the space we were stuck because a long train was blocking our path and we had to wait for it to go by. it eventually stopped momentarily and then started moving backwards and then forwards again. so we decided to jump between cars while it was momentarily stationary. ej and curly got thru then as i was about the jump up the train started moving again and as i stepped up the cars' weight shifted and made this huge noise and i almost fell. so i jumped clear of the train but had spilled osme beer on myself. oh well.
all the performances were impressive, but by the time we played the place was almost empty. we had a few awesome people that stuck around and ironically one of the girls becci had heard the ukelele song on the compilation that seattle john had made a while ago so of course we had to play that one.
afterwards i was dead so i grabbed a floor mat and crashed on the floor next to the cigarette butts and puddles of dried beer
the next day i shot tabs across the road but didn't get it in any windows
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